Interview: Mette Trøgelborg, The story of a young digital artist
Mette Trøgelborg is a young, passionate and ambitious artist. While still continuing her studies, she already made one of her dreams come true and started her first online business selling her own artwork. By following her passion and pursuing her dreams she emphasizes the importance of believing in yourself and in what you do. From what was just a hobby she started becoming professional, made a gift to herself and got a Surface Studio. In the following interview, Mette told us what inspired her initially, her progress of improving her creative skills and how the Surface Studio enriches her creative work:
Sara: When did you start drawing or doing art? What was your motivation?
Mette: "I drew a little bit and did some smaller sketches and paintings as a small child, probably like every other young girl. But I ended up quitting because I was never satisfied and i always compaired what I did to what other people made and I just found my own art so ugly. Then a few years ago i started watching a lot of art videos on Youtube and finding myself dreaming of being able to make the same beautiful illustrations as they did! Then as the time passed I started thinking more and more about it and at the end of last year – 2018 – I decided that I would start drawing regularly again. I started telling myself that art is subjective and that there is no right or wrong in art! My art might not look like others and it might not be as realistic but it is my art and it is beautiful in its own way! I'm also studying business and marketing and with this background I started dreaming of running my own business and that's when I got the idea of starting my own art shop. So to answer your question in short – I’ve been drawing regularly since a week before new year. 😊"
Sara: So, what inspires your artwork mostly today?
Mette: "It differs a lot! Sometimes I'm just at work or in bed about to fall asleep in the evening and suddenly I'll get this idea – this picture – in my head and I'll write it down on my phone and draw it whenever I have the time. Other times I'll just be browsing the internet and finding these beautiful pictures that I then decide I want to try and draw and make my own twist to. 😊I mostly draw people because that's what I'm most confident with, but I'm trying my best to breach out and try something new every now and then. Because youll never get better unless you practice!"
Sara: In your Instagram feed, a lot of your artwork is digital – When and why did you start drawing digitally?
Mette: "Currently over half of my art on my Instagram is traditional from before I got my Surface Studio. But now that I got it, I definitely prefer drawing digitally because it actually makes a lot of the drawing process a whole lot easier. I’ve been drawing digitally for about 5 days now so not that long yet! But I think I have improved a lot already in a short amount of time!"
Sara: Which is your favorite drawing so far?
Mette: "I’d have to say my favourite drawing to date is the #drawthisinyourstyle of @elby.draws witch! It didn't exactly take a lot of creativity from my side, but I'm very happy with how the face turned out and how bright and vibrant the colours are! It's also the illustration that has taken me the longest to make because I was really focused on getting the shading just right."
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Sara: How would you describe your art in three words?
Mette: "Cute, simple and happy are the words i would choose to best describe it."
Sara: How would you describe your daily routine in three words?
Mette: "Work, study and draw basically! That's litterally all I do! That, and playing videogames when I have the time. 😉"
Sara: When did you get the Surface Studio?
Mette: "It started with me seeing one of my favourite Youtubers previewing it and I fell in love almost immediately! I just thought the design is so perfect and it just seemed almost to good to be true with the zero gravity hinge and the amazing display! So, I read a lot about it on the internet over a couple of weeks and my decision to get it just got more and more set in stone. I never cared about the price. Money is just money you can always earn more. I believe you should always buy what you want to, if you have the funds to do so. What I saw in the Surface Studio was potential. It's powerful enough so I can still play my games on it and the screen is perfect for pursuing my dream of drawing digitally and selling it like I mentioned earlier. And the design just makes it fit so well in my apartment! That's really all I need!"
Sara: In your eyes, what is the best feature of the Surface Studio and how is it supporting your creativity?
Mette: "Definitely the zero gravity hinge! It's so amazing and being able to draw like that in almost any angle you’d want is just amazing to me. Now it’s definitely an essential feature. I dont know how I would be able to draw on any drawing tablet or computer without this hinge ever again. It makes you more relaxed when working and it gives you the ability to completely fall into your drawing and your creative process."
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Sara: "What are your plans for the next 3 years?"
Mette: "Finish university, get a marketing job in a big sales company, gain success in selling my art as a hobby business beside my business career and move into a bigger house with my cat Luna! That's just about all I want out of life right now."
As a young artist, Mette is continously updating and designing new content and designs and is more than happy about any feedback or wishes for future designes!
Find Mette's online shop here: Redbubble-Mette Trøgelborg
Visit her Instagram: @troegelborg_arts
Or feel free to contact her directly via Instagram or mail: 😊
Thank you so much, Mette Trøgelborg, for taking your time to share your story with us. Without a doubt it is impressive and very motivational how you persue your dreams.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by TrøgelborgArts (@troegelborg_arts) on
Are you an artist yourself looking for your a Surface Studio? Find yours on Surface.Love.